Yup, that's how long I was with NAC... 6 years! Well, compared to some who are still there, I was just a hatching dinosaur haha ;p!!
Found some old pictures of my (2nd) cubicle space. Brought back a lot of great, unforgettable fond memories ;) Don't get me wrong. There's nothing that I'm not enjoying in my current workplace, but having been in a bigger organisation where I had a lot more fantastic colleagues and enjoyed great camaraderie was something I really missed ;(
We celebrated each other's birthdays, we had festive celebrations together, and during lunch time, we watched horror movies and screamed together, we played board/ card games and laughed so much together....... Unfortunately (or fortunately), everyone started to leave, one by one... and so the fun atmosphere just fizzled out...
Ok, following are pictures of the prank my ex-colleagues played on me while I was only on ONE day leave!! They were "inspired" by an email I forwarded to them on ideas of pranks. So, technically, it was my fault - for giving them the idea!! Argghhhh!! Frankly, it was quite a good piece of "installation art", don't you think so??!! Hahha!!