My poly friends and I have been talking about going for another trip together since our last one to Tioman in 1996 (after graduation). So, at a recent gathering, we finally decided there and then, on a date and place, with only a week prior to the trip – Turi Beach Resort @ Batam. Thanks to yours sincerely, the organiser, who’s always efficient hahaha!!

No special reason for this short holiday, but we made these reasons out:
a) To celebrate 14 years of friendship
b) To celebrate the materialisation of this trip after 11 years
c) To celebrate Jean’s 10 years wedding anniversary
d) To celebrate Min’s 5 years wedding anniversary
e) To celebrate Yen’s proposal
f) To celebrate my 5 years wedding anniversary
Ferry Tickets
Reservations for ferry tickets can be made via email request, and payment made when collecting the tickets on the day of the trip. By providing passport details, they will also process and print the information on the departure card, which means you need not fill it in yourself. Check out more information on returned tickets, here are the fees you need to pay:
Adult $33 and child $29 (all surcharges in). Add another S$4 per pax when departing from Nongsapura Ferry Terminal (some terminal departure fee).
While you can specify the time of your departure from Singapore to Batam, for the return trip, you will have to reserve it through the staff from the resort you will be staying, cos the return ticket is actually an open ticket, valid for 6 months.
Turi Beach Resort (
Reckon that request made directly to the resort was the best and fastest way cos even its designated local agent said the resort was running full-house. Direct reservation also meant we paid based on per room per night basis (vs per person as with the case for most travel agents). So, it cost us S$168 per room per night for a Standard Villa (comprising 2 super single beds).
Hmm… I’d say the place is not great, nor is it bad. They are expanding and building new wing. We can see some upgraded facilities like the new wash basin in its toilet. Everything else was just basic. I didn’t bring shower foam thinking they’d provide but they don’t – they only have soap bar. But thank God, we were given a sample packet of shower gel when we did grocery shopping before we left for the Ferry Terminal. Hehee…
We didn’t do any sea sports – were just there to relax. But the kids had a good time swimming ;)

Little Kayla swimming. Parents left her float at home. This was bought at the resort - S$12!
Poor little Ethan sleeping in an awkward posture! Apparently, he didn't want to sleep while in the room. But soon after they came out for photo-taking and dinner, he fell asleep like this! Haha!
There was no provision for free shuttle to town, and rental of a van for 3 hours will cost S$80. So we decided to stay put and have our dinner in the resort itself.
There are only 2 restaurants - one which serves local buffet (non air-con) at S$18 nett or a more expensive western grill restaurant (air-con) where food is subject to a total of 21% government and service charges. Initially, we had sat comfortably in the western grill but we changed our mind and walked out of the restaurant, with sincere apologies lah.. ;p Anyway, both restaurants same boss mah… hahah!! So we settled at the buffet restaurant. Variety was quite small actually… but overall the quality was ok lah.. There was a mobile quartet live performance! Not too bad lah hehe..
The night was still young…
I must say this group of friends I have are quite funny and cranky people.. especially the guys hahaha!! Whenever we gather, there will be some senseless card game and alcohol drinking session. No money involved, but losers will drink as penalty.
I just gave them a new name – “The Alcohol-Thirsty Group” hahaha!!! But it was fun! Think we laughed so much we also couldn’t tahan. Despite the rowdy noise, of 10 people, there was an amazing one, little Ethan (10 months old), sleeping soundly in the room. Good for him! Hahaha!! Another little one, a girl, Kayla, 2 years old, was just sitting quietly, quite expressionless, but enjoying the tidbit eating with the mum.
6 people played the game, but only 5 of the players drank – cos when I lose, it was my hubby who drank hahaha!! All 15 cans of beer were consumed before all of us could go to bed ;p

This the boh-liao card game we played. Basically, it's meant to sabo people to drink haha!!