Friday, June 6, 2008

Tonkichi (25 May)

I was first introduced to Tonkichi by a couple friend few years back. It was really good! Well, according to its website, Tonkichi serves authentic Tonkatsu and claims to be the only Tonkatsu Specialty chain restaurant in Singapore.

We had lunch at one of its branches at Shaw Centre where we were heading for a movie too. They had a set lunch on promotion and so we ordered that. Can't remember if the price was S$23 per set. It came in a buttock-shaped bowl - one side filled with ramen and other salmon sashimi & tonkatsu topped on rice! Appetiser - smoked duck slices. Very nice! No duck taste at all - more like ham actually hehe!! A bit filling for small eater actually.

If the dishes you order are served with (raw) cabbage (and most do), you can ask for free refill of cabbage. So, if you feel guilty gobbling pieces of fried items, you can stuff yourself with EAT-ALL-YOUR-CAN cabbage and you can go without vege the next few days!! Hahah!!

The pork loin is really good!! MUST TRY! Here's the menu to whet your appetite!

BTW, they don't charge you for ocha and wet towels ;)

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